Canvec adminstration boundaries - 1 M
Open Government Licence 2.0 - Canada (OGL-Canada-2.0)
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+ For more info see https://open.canada.ca/en/open-government-licence-canada.

This is a subset of the Canvec administrative layer for Canada and the US. 

Administrative Features entities are: Geopolitical Region
(border). CanVec is a digital cartographic reference product of
Natural Resources Canada (NRCan). It originates from the best
available data sources covering Canadian territory, offers quality
topographical information in vector format, and complies with
international geomatics standards. CanVec is a multi-source
product coming mainly from the National Topographic Data
Base (NTDB), the Mapping the North process conducted by the
Canada Center for Mapping and Earth Observation (CCMEO),
the Atlas of Canada data, the GeoBase initiative, and the data
update using satellite imagery coverage (e.g. Landsat 7, Spot,
Radarsat, etc.).

Publication Date
Vector Data
Legal land descriptions. Examples: political and administrative boundaries.
Canada , United States of America
Government of Canada
Government of Canada; Natural Resources Canada;Strategic Policy and Innovation Sector
More info
Maintenance Frequency
Data Is Updated As Deemed Necessary
formal permission to do something

The administrative features of the CanVec series include geopolitical regions (international, territorial and provincial) and populated place names.

A wide selection of attributes describe the data.

The CanVec multiscale series is available as prepackaged downloadable files and by user-defined extent via a Geospatial data extraction tool.

Related Products:

Topographic Data of Canada - CanVec Series

Data Quality

The data quality assessment (including completeness and thematic accuracy) is directly performed during
data production process. The validation method applied depends on the data source used. CanVec data
comes from 3 different sources: GeoBase initiative (ex.: National Road Network (NRN) data), digital
topographic data production of the Canadian Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation (CCMEO) and
the Atlas of Canada Series.
For data coming from the GeoBase initiative, data quality is ensured by the producer (and partner). The
validation mechanism used may vary from one partner to another.
For topographic data produced by CCMEO, data quality is ensured by a systematic inspection process.
Each dataset content is validated against the originated source or against an independent source. All
detected errors are corrected.
For data coming from the Atlas of Canada Series, the data quality depends on data source availability,
the map scale, the map feature selection by the cartographer and the quality control of the content.

Supplemental Information

No information provided

Spatial Representation Type
vector data is used to represent geographic data

Layer WMS GetCapabilities document

Attribute Name Label Description
jurisdicti Jurisdiction Province or territory of Canada or some particular zone or country outside Canada's mainland where the feature is located. The attribute value is a numeric code.
boundary_t Boundary Type Descriptor or type of boundary or limit. The attribute value is a numeric code.
map_select Map Selection Feature selection artefact used to adapt data display according to a predefined data representation or density such as dense, medium or sparse. The attribute value is a numeric code.
country Country The name of the country where the feature is located. The attribute value is a numeric code.

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